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Tag : portret

Slavica Hinić, PR Bitef Festivala, foto: Miss Stills Photography

Dame, spremne za Bitef festival!

Prva dama Bitefa, PR menadžer Slavica Hinić, spremna je dočekala početak festivala, što je i zabeleženo divnim portertima, koji su nastali u okviru saradnje Bitef festivala, fotografa Tijane Janković-Jevrić (Miss Stills Photography) i Star Beauty Studija.

[:en]Motive baptism: Nina and Lana[:sr]Nina i Lana, a povod krštenje[:]

[:sr][:en]Two blondes, siblings Nina and Lana will melt your hearts.[:sr]Dva plava čuperka, rođene sestrice Nina i Lana, istopiće vaša srca.[:][:]

[:en]Dolled up! Makeup and photography[:sr]Kao lutka! Šminka i fotografija[:]

[:sr][:en]Pro photography and makeup for magazine covers.[:sr]Profesionalna šminka i fotografija, kao sa naslovnice.[:][:]

[:en]This was a photo marathon![:sr]To se zove foto-maraton![:]

[:sr][:en]Child photographer at acting school in Belgrade.[:sr]Dečji fotograf u školi glume u Beogradu.[:][:]

[:en]“Take a picture! Quickly, quickly!”[:sr]”Slikaj! Brže, brže!”[:]

[:en]The princess among fairies, with eyes as the Elizabeth Taylor, five year old Petra announced the arrival of a new diva in the future.[:]

[:en]When Luka was just 15 days old[:sr]Kada je Luka imao samo 15 dana[:]

[:en]In our culture there is a saying you can foresee what the upcoming year will be like by the first houseguest on St. Luca’s day. This October 31st, the Panajotovic family welcomed a baby boy. His parents named him after this saint – Holy Apostle Luke. Little Luka with his appearance to this world already brought the biggest happiness to his home. Also, if we take into consideration the Serbian saying, the year ahead of us most definitely will be wonderful one. We can personally confirm that, because we met […]

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