December 23, 2020
Draga poput dragulja – fotografija kozmetičkog proizvoda
Kada sam otvorila smaragdno-zlatni neseser, podesetila sam se šta to znači radovati se prazniku....

September 21, 2017
Dame, spremne za Bitef festival!
Prva dama Bitefa, PR menadžer Slavica Hinić, spremna je dočekala početak festivala, što je...

December 31, 2016
[:en]Christmas with Miss Stills[:sr]Nova godina sa Miss Stills[:]
Twinkle, sparkling lights, and whole Xmass spirit is the best time for a family...

August 14, 2016
Three years later…
Intimate wedding in a beautiful ambience of the restaurant Mala fabrika ukusa was my first photographic...

August 10, 2016
[:en]Romantic wedding on the block[:sr]Romantika u blokovima[:]
Bez emocije nema umetnosti, a bez ljubavi nema sreće, pa ni dobre fotografije sa...

August 1, 2016
[:en]Great photos with no stress [:sr]Fotografisanje bez stresa[:]
Mame nam se često i iskreno požale na to da njihovi mališani nemaju strpljenja...

July 11, 2016
Miss Stills i u Wannabe magazinu[:]
Meet Miss Stills Photography & Huawei P9 smartphone in new interview!Saznajte više o Miss...

July 3, 2016
[:en]Motive baptism: Nina and Lana[:sr]Nina i Lana, a povod krštenje[:]
Two blondes, siblings Nina and Lana will melt your hearts.Dva plava čuperka, rođene sestrice...

July 2, 2016
[:en]Triple birthday party![:sr]Tri slavljenika u jednom danu[:]
Family portraits: two sisters and a brother had same day birthday party!Porodični portreti: Dve...

June 28, 2016
[:en]Little ballerinas [:sr]Male velike balerine[:]
Children’s play Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was performed by the little ballerinas from “Zvončica”...