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Session time

December 23, 2020

Draga poput dragulja – fotografija kozmetičkog proizvoda

Kada sam otvorila smaragdno-zlatni neseser, podesetila sam se šta to znači radovati se prazniku....
Slavica Hinić, PR Bitef Festivala, foto: Miss Stills Photography
September 21, 2017

Dame, spremne za Bitef festival!

Prva dama Bitefa, PR menadžer Slavica Hinić, spremna je dočekala početak festivala, što je...
December 31, 2016

[:en]Christmas with Miss Stills[:sr]Nova godina sa Miss Stills[:]

Twinkle, sparkling lights, and whole Xmass spirit is the best time for a family...
August 14, 2016

Three years later…

Intimate wedding in a beautiful ambience of the restaurant Mala fabrika ukusa was  my first photographic...
August 10, 2016

[:en]Romantic wedding on the block[:sr]Romantika u blokovima[:]

Bez emocije nema umetnosti, a bez ljubavi nema sreće, pa ni dobre fotografije sa...
August 1, 2016

[:en]Great photos with no stress [:sr]Fotografisanje bez stresa[:]

Mame nam se često i iskreno požale na to da njihovi mališani nemaju strpljenja...
intervju Tijana Janković-Jevrić (Miss Stills Photography)
July 11, 2016

Miss Stills i u Wannabe magazinu[:]

Meet Miss Stills Photography & Huawei P9 smartphone in new interview!Saznajte više o Miss...
July 3, 2016

[:en]Motive baptism: Nina and Lana[:sr]Nina i Lana, a povod krštenje[:]

Two blondes, siblings Nina and Lana will melt your hearts.Dva plava čuperka, rođene sestrice...
July 2, 2016

[:en]Triple birthday party![:sr]Tri slavljenika u jednom danu[:]

Family portraits: two sisters and a brother had same day birthday party!Porodični portreti: Dve...
June 28, 2016

[:en]Little ballerinas [:sr]Male velike balerine[:]

Children’s play Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was performed by the little ballerinas from “Zvončica”...
error: Zdravo posetioče!