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Three years later…

[:en]Intimate wedding in a beautiful ambience of the restaurant Mala fabrika ukusa was  my first photographic encounter with this endlessly cute and harmonious couple. Newlyweds were to become mom and dad.

As our first photos were taken at the beginning of this wonderful family, the ones that came three years after the wedding have special meaning for them as well as for their family photographer. The two of them are now four! Boy and a girl have joined them. Reason for our new meeting was girl’s third birthday. Baby in the stomach on the photo, today is this sweet three-year-old. The youngest member, little rascal, is seven months old.

Photos of this lovely and smiled young family will bring joy into your hearts, while in my personal and photographic they have already taken their place. These photos are exceptional because they represent both history and the future in creating one family, and the artist  who records it becomes their chronicler and personal photographer.

A baby girl soon to be born. Taken 3 years ago.
“I do” glances.
Young family fashion
Young family of four.
With his daddy
The youngest with his daddy.

Young family
When mom and dad have fun too.

Intimno venčanje u lepom ambijentu restorana Mala fabrika ukusa bio je moj prvi fotografski susret sa ovim beskrajno simpatičnim i skladnim parom. Mladenci su bili i budući mama i tata. Kako su naše prve fotografije nastale u začetku ove divne porodice, one koje su usledile nakon tri godine od svadbe, imaju poseban značaj kako za njih tako i za njihovog porodičnog fotografa. Njih dvoje su sada četvoro! Pridružili su im se bata i seka. Povod za naš novi susret je bio devojčicin treći rođendan. Beba u stomaku na slici je danas ova  medena trogodišnjakinja. Najmlađi član, mali šmeker ima oko sedam meseci.

Fotografije ove divne i nasmejane mlade porodice, uneće radost i u vaša srca, dok su u mom ličnom i fotografskom već zauzeli svoje mesto. Ove slike su izuzetne jer predstavljaju ujedno i istoriju i budućnost u nastajanju jedne familije, a umetnik koji sve to beleži postaje njihov hroničar i lični fotograf.

U iščekivanju svoje devojčice.
Pogledi su rekli “DA”.
Young family fashion
Mlada porodica u modnom stilu.
With his daddy
Mališan u tatinom zagrljaju.

Young family
Najlepše je kada se i tata i mama dobro zabavljaju.

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