[:en]Without emotion there could be no art. Without love there there could be no happiness, and there could be no good wedding photography too, if you will.
In the romantic case of the couple in the pictures all of the essential ingredients of love and art were well combined and now are presented in this lovely photo story for the whole word to see it.
The occasion was the wedding, celebration of their long lasting love, so the bride and the groom adjusted their wedding day timeline to have a few moments only for themselves, for the photo session. Beautiful and in love, they were such great models and they put their effort in achieving wonderful photos. They’ve got a unique memory on their big day.
Green areas and recognizable New Belgrade cityscape (brutalism) made an amazing urban romantic set. It worked so well, especially when we have in mind that the photos have a souvenir value to this couple as well.
We wish them a fantastic marriage and many more memorable moments in life and we hope to see them again in Belgrade. To you, dear visitor, we wish you to say your I dos soon and to be as much in love and as beautiful in front of camera as this two love birds are.

[:sr]Bez emocije nema umetnosti, a bez ljubavi nema sreće, pa ni dobre fotografije sa venčanja. U romantičnom slučaju para sa fotografija, spojili su se svi elementi za sjajnu foto-priču. Povodom svadbe i dugogodišnje ljubavi, mlada i mladoženja su odvojili posebno vreme za fotografisanje mladenačkih portreta. Prelepi, zaljubljeni i nasmejani bili su fantastični akteri i saradnici u nastajanju nezaboravnih fotografija. Želeli su da imaju jedinstvenu uspomenu na svoj veliki dan i zato su u svom planu venčanja unapred rezervisali vreme za fotografa.
Zelenilo i prepoznatljiv novobeogradski stil u arhitekturi – brutalizam, bili su odlična scenografija za urbanu romantiku. Pogotvu kada znamo da će ove fotografije biti i njihov svojevrsni suvenir iz Beograda.
Mi im želimo fantastičan brak i još puno lepih momenata za pamćenje, a vama da se osetite inspirisanim da i samo stanete na ludi kamen i da blistate pred kamerama ovako zaljubljeni, baš kao Jelena i Danijel.