[:en]Children’s play Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was performed by the little ballerinas from “Zvončica” Ballet School at UK Palilula this June. It was a premiere show and the ballet dancers’ graciously showed their talent and all the hard work they’ve been sharing with their teachers during past season. The founder of the school, also a ballet dancer (The National Theatre), Nataša Najman invited me to shoot this theatrical event – great production, and huge excitement of the little dancers. After the performance children had received the diplomas, and the flowers by the little gentlemen.

Dečja baletska predstava “Alisa u zemlji čuda”, u izvođenju polaznica baletske škole “Zvončica”, premijerno je izvedena sredinom juna u UK Palilula. To je bilo veliko finale na sceni, kojim su ove vredne balerinice zaokružile sve ono što su u protekloj sezoni postigle radeći sa svojim učiteljicama. Na poziv osnivača škole i balerine Narodnog pozorišta Nataše Najman, zabeležila sam jedan pravi pozorišni spektakl, sjajnu produkciju i veliko uzbuđenje i radost malih plesačica. Pored dodele diploma, bilo je tu, bogami i malih džentlmena sa buketima cveća.