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Tag : dečja

[:en]Christmas with Miss Stills[:sr]Nova godina sa Miss Stills[:]

[:en]Twinkle, sparkling lights, and whole Xmass spirit is the best time for a family photo session.[:sr]Za Novu godinu, pored zdravlja i sreće, svi poželimo i ljubav. Zato je najlepši novogodišnji poklon baš onaj koji na kreativan i poseban način kaže “Ja te volim.” Iskričava svetlost, konfete, baloni, lampioni, sva ta neodoljiva praznična atmosfera idealna je prilika za porodično fotografisanje.[:]

[:en]Little ballerinas [:sr]Male velike balerine[:]

[:en]Children’s play Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was performed by the little ballerinas from “Zvončica” Ballet School at UK Palilula this June. It was a premiere show and the ballet dancers’ graciously showed their talent and all the hard work they’ve been sharing with their teachers during past season. The founder of the school, also a ballet dancer (The National Theatre), Nataša Najman invited me to shoot this theatrical event – great production, and huge excitement of the little dancers. After the performance children had […]

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