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Tag : deca

[:en]Christmas with Miss Stills[:sr]Nova godina sa Miss Stills[:]

[:en]Twinkle, sparkling lights, and whole Xmass spirit is the best time for a family photo session.[:sr]Za Novu godinu, pored zdravlja i sreće, svi poželimo i ljubav. Zato je najlepši novogodišnji poklon baš onaj koji na kreativan i poseban način kaže “Ja te volim.” Iskričava svetlost, konfete, baloni, lampioni, sva ta neodoljiva praznična atmosfera idealna je prilika za porodično fotografisanje.[:]

[:en]Great photos with no stress [:sr]Fotografisanje bez stresa[:]

[:sr]Mame nam se često i iskreno požale na to da njihovi mališani nemaju strpljenja za fotografisanje, iako oni to u principu vole i već imaju svoje omiljene pozice. Istina je da su bebice ponekad čak lakše za saradnju od većeg deteta, ali svaki mališan može, šta više, on i ume da uživa dok ga fotografišu, ako mu za to date dovoljno vremena i prostora.[:]

[:en]Motive baptism: Nina and Lana[:sr]Nina i Lana, a povod krštenje[:]

[:sr][:en]Two blondes, siblings Nina and Lana will melt your hearts.[:sr]Dva plava čuperka, rođene sestrice Nina i Lana, istopiće vaša srca.[:][:]

[:en]Little ballerinas [:sr]Male velike balerine[:]

[:en]Children’s play Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was performed by the little ballerinas from “Zvončica” Ballet School at UK Palilula this June. It was a premiere show and the ballet dancers’ graciously showed their talent and all the hard work they’ve been sharing with their teachers during past season. The founder of the school, also a ballet dancer (The National Theatre), Nataša Najman invited me to shoot this theatrical event – great production, and huge excitement of the little dancers. After the performance children had […]

[:en]This was a photo marathon![:sr]To se zove foto-maraton![:]

[:sr][:en]Child photographer at acting school in Belgrade.[:sr]Dečji fotograf u školi glume u Beogradu.[:][:]

[:en]A little brother has arrived![:sr]Stigao je bata Uroš![:]

[:en]Every little girl’s dream is that her mommy gives her a baby brother. That’s how little Anika dreamt of her brother Uros too. Age gap between these two siblings is 21 months.  Their mom was very happy to record their first encounter in front of the camera lens with the professional photographer. Just ten days since his birth, baby Uros and his mom were more than ready and in the good mood to pose in front of the camera. Photographing a newborn […]

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