[:en]When a model and a photographer have a relationship based on trust an outstanding portait comes as a result. On the other hand, there is nothing as natural as being shy. This trait is one of the key factors for our survavel as humans. With the right aproach we can easliy make the shyest child relaxed and happy infront of the camera. Then again, working with young actors makes the photographer’s job a whole lot easier.

The kids and the adolescents at Acting school Studio 1, were true stars when camera was rolling. It would not be an overstatement if said this minors have been like professional actors already. They exibited their talents and showed us how hard they work on their acting skills with a careful guidance of their teacher Jelena Petrovic. Their portraits are here to prove it.

Our first encounter coincided with The World Theatre Day, 27th March. At the classroom we made the most beautiful candid child photographs. The next lesson we attended was the time when we created an amazing photo marathon. We made portraits of 24 young actors!

Enjoy the beauty and charm of this fantastic youth on the pictures by Miss Stills. You can also visit Studio 1 website for more portraits of these young actors.

Mališani i omladinci, polaznici Škole glume Studio 1 sa Olimpa bili prave su zvezde pod svetlosti reflektora! Ovi mladi, slobodno možemo da kažemo, profesionalci pokazali su nam koliko su dobro obučeni za svoje uloge i koliko rad i učenje, koje su do sada prošli u školi glume u Beogradu za decu i mlade, već daje rezultate. Kada budete pogledali njihove fotografije biće i sami sigurni da se pred nama nalaze prave nade srpskog glumišta.

Nije slučajno da smo sa njima imali prvi sustret baš na Dan pozorišta, 27. marta. Kao posmatrači, tada smo uvideli koliko su oni, u svim uzrastima, zajedno sa predavačem Jelenom Petrović, izuzetno posvećeni učenju glume. Tom prilikom su nastale spontane, dokumentarne fotografije njihove igre, da bismo narednog časa priredili pravi foto-maraton, fotografisali smo portrete čak 24 glumca!

Uživajte u lepoti i šarmu fantastičnih mladih glumaca, polaznika Škole glume Studio 1 na Olimpu. Verujemo da ćemo sve njih sretati vrlo često na velikom ekranu u budućnosti, ako ne i pre. Takođe, na internet stranici Studio 1 možete pogledati još portreta mladih glumaca koje smo ovom prilikom napravili.