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Tag : boy

[:en]Great photos with no stress [:sr]Fotografisanje bez stresa[:]

[:sr]Mame nam se često i iskreno požale na to da njihovi mališani nemaju strpljenja za fotografisanje, iako oni to u principu vole i već imaju svoje omiljene pozice. Istina je da su bebice ponekad čak lakše za saradnju od većeg deteta, ali svaki mališan može, šta više, on i ume da uživa dok ga fotografišu, ako mu za to date dovoljno vremena i prostora.[:]

[:en]Triple birthday party![:sr]Tri slavljenika u jednom danu[:]

[:sr][:en]Family portraits: two sisters and a brother had same day birthday party![:sr]Porodični portreti: Dve seke i bata slavili su rođendan istog dana.[:][:]

[:en]A little brother has arrived![:sr]Stigao je bata Uroš![:]

[:en]Every little girl’s dream is that her mommy gives her a baby brother. That’s how little Anika dreamt of her brother Uros too. Age gap between these two siblings is 21 months.  Their mom was very happy to record their first encounter in front of the camera lens with the professional photographer. Just ten days since his birth, baby Uros and his mom were more than ready and in the good mood to pose in front of the camera. Photographing a newborn […]

[:en]When Luka was just 15 days old[:sr]Kada je Luka imao samo 15 dana[:]

[:en]In our culture there is a saying you can foresee what the upcoming year will be like by the first houseguest on St. Luca’s day. This October 31st, the Panajotovic family welcomed a baby boy. His parents named him after this saint – Holy Apostle Luke. Little Luka with his appearance to this world already brought the biggest happiness to his home. Also, if we take into consideration the Serbian saying, the year ahead of us most definitely will be wonderful one. We can personally confirm that, because we met […]

[:en]Example of LIFESTYLE: A piano lesson [:sr]Čas klavira, primer životnog stila[:]

[:en]If we want to depict our natural and relaxed look, our most beautiful selves, the best choice is to invite a photographer to our home. This wonderful family did exactly that! They asked us to record their shared enjoyment by the piano. A photo shoot should always be a magical moment in which we truly enjoy, even if we don’t like to pose. Children behave much better in front of the camera lens than we as adults do. For them it’s a play, an excitement and a […]

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